Monday, June 20, 2005

From Saul to Paul

As illustrated in the book of Acts in chapters 8 and 9, a once Jewish leader and major persecutor and tormentor of those that believed in Jesus, was given new direction for his life when he met Jesus. That's right Jesus! You see Jesus had a plan for Saul, and even though Saul was such an angry and hateful person Jesus literally took him down a notch. On the road to Damascus, Jesus had words with Saul and basically told him he had to go to Damascus, now as a blind man to find out what it was Jesus had planned for him. Jesus then sent Ananias to Saul and told him that he was to lay hands on him and give him the gift of the Holy Spirit. You see, Paul a great Jewish leader was now going to spread the Good News to the Gentiles. Yep, the Gentiles, the ones the Jews felt were unworthy of God because as far as the Jews were concerned the Jews were the chosen ones. Now Saul who later changes his name to Paul, is spreading the very news that he so violently persecuted.....before he met Jesus, and will experience the very persecution he once inflicted.

You can meet Jesus. Have you been like Saul and given other Christians a hard time. Jesus has a plan for your life too! Hopefully he won't have to knock you down to get your attention. He loves you and chooses you to be a member of his family. 1 Thessalonians 1:4 says: "We know that God loves you dear brothers and sisters, and that he chose you to be His own people." This is the very words of Paul in a letter to the church of Thessolonica. This holds true still today, God has chosen you to be His own people! Question is will you choose Him? He gives you choice so it is up to you!

For more on accepting Christ email me! I would love to pray with you or answer questions you might have. But remember, the choice is yours.

God Bless,


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