Thursday, December 06, 2007

How Will You Respond This Christmas?

Has God ever asked you to do something or has He ever told you of a blessing you were going to receive and your response was, HOW? All through the life of Christ we see people posing the question of HOW. There was the water into wine story, the calming of the sea, the raising of Lazarus, and these are just a few. In each one the question was posed HOW , in some way or another. And in each situation, Jesus comes through and makes it all possible. Perhaps that's why Paul tells us what he does in Philippians 4:13.

With that in mind what made the question of HOW, so seemingly wrong for Zechariah when he was told he would have a son even at his old age. After all Mary asked how as well when she was told she would have a son and was not yet married and still a virgin. So what made Zechariah's question of HOW, so different that he became mute for the duration. Perhaps it was the fact that Zechariah was one of the appointed priests of his time that was to pray for the people and offer sacrifice for the people. Perhaps it was the fact that this chosen man of God who had served God diligently and faithfully was seemingly lacking in what he professed from his position. I mean shouldn't a man of his integrity and statute understand at that point in his life that the almighty God can do anything? And what if Zechariah questioned this whole immaculate conception concept of his own in a less than reverant way or in what some would deem a snickering mockery of what God can do? Maybe this accumulation of potential happenings is what levied this means of protection upon Zechariah. What? Protection you say? Yes, think about it. If Zechariah, being a man of his statute has problems believing that God will deliver him a son just because of his age, what potential run-off could become of this if Zechariah is allowed to speak freely? Think about our own lives in times of uncertainty. Isn't it true that when we don't know or we have serious doubt we tend to be extensively speculative thus exploiting in it's own ways the intense level of our own doubt? Zechariah is a chose high priest of God and this would damage what God's intention for those chosen for the priesthood are to be. By now Zechariah should be grounded firmly in the almightiness of God, so in an effort to salvage all that Zechariah has become and is, God simply temporarily removes his ability to speak. Sort of a way of protecting Zechariah from himself. Ain't God just so cool!! Sure God could have lifted the muting sooner but if you look at Luke 1:67-79, as soon as John the Baptist is born and his name is declared through the writing of Zechariah that "his name is John",(Luke 1:64), Zechariah returns to priestly form with a prophecy of the comming Messiah! WOW, God is so awesome!

Mary's question of HOW, was not that of doubt, but one that was more in what now should I do Lord. She was so willing to be the Lord's servant she was merely seeking the next move on her part. Gabriel let her known she just needed to the be the hostess in carrying the Messiah to term and the Lord would take care of the rest. This young lady of innocence was so intrigued to be chosen by God to carry out this great work, her response in Luke 1:38 was one of total committal to the cause in "I am the Lord's servant". She never doubted God she just wanted to be sure she did all she could to help in the delivery process.

With that being said that brings us to the question. Is God calling you to something, or telling you something that obviously only God can make happen or be involved in to make happen? Maybe He wants you to do more in your church, or give more of yourself to your church or community. Maybe He wants you to let go of an old resentment or maybe He, JUST MAYBE, He wants to give you a peace that you haven't experienced in your life for a long time if ever. HOW will you respond to Him? Will you respond with doubt like Zechariah did, therefore keeping you from experiencing the awesomeness of God. Or will you respond like Mary did and say yes Lord, is there anything I can do to help as I am at your service. This Christmas with but one decision you could experience PEACE on earth, the JOY of giving, or even the wonderful gift of the Messiah. It's all in HOW you respond to what God has for you.

Merry Christmas

Pastor Wayne


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