Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Keepin' it Real

So like I was watching Scooby Doo the movie one day and this thought came to me. You know when Scooby is getting on the plane and is dressed up like an old lady? Well remember the part where he says "keepin' it real"? That made me think. In our spiritual lives we need to keep it real. Jesus is clear on those that are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm as He states He will spew you out of His mouth. We can't be a faker and make heaven. Galations 5:19-26 tells us how one that is faking it might act. It is complete with angry outbursts, envy and more. If we are proclaiming to be a Christian, then we need to be aware of what it takes to be real. Abstaining from the behaviors mentioned in this passage as being of sinful nature will help us to keep it real. When we are truly "keepin' it real", we bear the fruits of the spirit, which include love, kindness, gentleness, joy, peace, and the kicker is SELF CONTROL. Ya see without self control we are easily victim to the behaviors mentioned as sinful nature.

So............. Are you keepin' it real? Do you have the fruit of the spirit of self control, or do you waiver back and forth depending on what day it is and who you are with. Paul also mentions in this passage that if you aren't keepin' it real you won't see heaven. If you need help keepin' it real call upon the Master and He will give you guidance. If you would like me to pray for you in my time of devotions, just leave a comment on this post or email me.

God Bless,


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