A Testimony
One day as I was sitting and wondering why people go to church and what it is that drives people to go to church, I was reflecting on the writings of the Apostle Paul. I noted he was indeed a great church planter so to speak. Why, he went to many places and not only started churches but helped many of them become self-propigating as well. I reflected on the fact that then, the church couldn't have been a giant complex with multiple overhead screens and all of the lates audio-visual equipment, but that of the greatest simplicity. I reflected on how blessed our new start has been and is and how far we have come, despite the fact we too don't have many of the comforts of the mega churches. As I read from the book of Acts in the latter chapters beginning in chapter 21 I was also pondering the question as to what it would take to grow our new start more. That's when the Lord spoke to me through His Word as He so often does. In these chapters Paul is being accused and potentially tried for nothing more than his beliefs. Yet in each case when he is presented before his accusers his defense always starts out the same; with a testimony! YES, I can picture him telling emphatically the way Jesus literally knocked him off his high horse and showed him the light. It was Paul's testimony and his repetative telling of it that God revealed to me as a method of growth. We just need to share our testimony. Jesus taught in Mattew 25 that if we have something as great as Salvation we shouldn't hide it, so let's tell those we come in contact with by sharing a testimony. Oh sure we may and most likely will meet up with some Festus' like Paul did who consider us insane, but we could actually run across a few who like King Agrippa in Acts 26 potentially feel the tugging of the Lord on their own heart through our testimony. Then potentially we could grow the church in general and just not one church but the whole Kingdom of God! WOW, what a concept!
Think about it, would you have liked to have known Jesus sooner? Or if you don't know Jesus, wouldn't you like to know what He has done for others you know? Our testimonies as Christians can be delivered in so many ways, but if we at least share some sort of testimony, who knows someone could be intrigued enough to seek what it is you have. So how about it, have you told anyone what Jesus has done for you today? It could change a life.
Grow the Church with a testimony today. Try it :)
Pastor Wayne
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