Moses and Community
January 24, 2019
Today as I read the first month after the Exodus as Moses
leads the people of Israel in the wilderness, I am made aware of a few things
from then that are a reality still today. It starts with the battle of the
Amalekites. This tribe is from the descendants of Esau, and the Lord was going
to see to it that they were no more. In this battle it is Joshua’s first battle
as a free man after leaving the Egyptian oppression. Already Joshua is being
set up as a mighty warrior, with the Lord’s help. It is in Chapter 17 where we see Moses
climbing a nearby hill and raising his staff towards the heavens which enables
Joshua the upper hand in the battle. Moses being the chosen deliverer of the
people is raising the same tool that split the Red Sea, turned into a snake
before Pharaoh, and is essentially his direct connect to the Lord. In a sense
the entire time it is raised it is like hands raised to heaven in prayer. After
all, his hand is raised, and most likely Moses is praying something. The Word goes on to point out that the entire
time Moses hands were lifted (plural) Joshua had the upper hand in the battle.
Anytime Moses hands would fall Joshua would lose ground and the enemy would
gain control. To me this is a clear indicator to us we need to be as Paul
says, in constant prayer to the Father.
When we let our guard down the enemy gains control. Paul also said do
not let the enemy get a foothold so if we can pray without ceasing then we too
will have the advantage in this battle that is not of flesh and blood. Yet so many of us get tired and like Moses
need someone to hold our arms up for us. Once again this is a clear indicator
of community. We need each other to help each other in those times where we can
just lift the arms up of our weary brothers and sisters to help them be
victorious in their battles. We can’t do that if we avoid community. Can you
imagine what would have happened or could have happened if Moses would have
just let his arms drop and said I am too tired. What if Jesus said in the
Garden, Lord this cup is too much for me, I am too weary, I can’t do it? Your
church community is vital to your spiritual walk, and the Lord wants you to be
a part of it. The Hebrew writer says in Hebrews 10:25 let us not give up
meeting together like others do, so we can keep each other’s arms lifted up and
encourage each other in their battles. (paraphrased).
I once was at a meeting for clergy. It was a meeting to
encourage and lift each other up in their ministries just as the Hebrew writer
confirms. One of the pastors there felt
a moving of the Holy Spirit and felt we should pray for each other holding
the arms of the one we were praying over up while we anointed them in the name
of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The
rush of the Spirit was overwhelming and each of us there left encouraged and
empowered feeling victorious over the battles we had been engaged in. Only in community can we help each other to
this degree. God created us to be a community and it was revealed from the very
beginning. Where do you find your support? I implore you to be a part of a
local church community and see God move. See how much the Father's love lavishes for you through community.
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