False Teachers
So did you ever wonder why or even how so many people are so confused on what being a Christian is all about. For the most part it would probably have a direct correlation to the example set by other professing Christians. I mean have you ever seen the show Dog the Bounty Hunter? I was watching it one night because I heard the show's narrator state that Dog is a "born again Christian". Shortly after that statement I heard Dog swear and use God's name in vain. He then lit a cigarrette and eventually was quenching his thirst with a "cool grape nehi belly whopper", better known as an alchoholic beverage. So in an effort to not be judgemental, I am just sitting there thinking, thinking he must be a new convert and has some things that he may need God's help with. (besides having a dangerous job) But it is this very thing that tends to confuse people on Christianity. We know that we can't use God's name in vain, and we know that the Bible says in Galations 5 that drunkeness is a part of the sinful nature of man. And we also know that the Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 that our body's are not our own, that they belong to the Holy Spirit, so we are not to do anything to harm them. Now granted a new believer may not be aware of the writings on our body and what to put in it, but I still default to the use of my God's name in vain. This to me would be super confusing to someone who was seeking Christ with a wholesome heart. This is also probably why people get so bent when they find out about your own Christianity. As a youth leader I have heard several times, the statement that people quit coming to church because of the way people profess one thing but away from church live another way. 2 Peter chapter 2 is a great book in it's writings about false teachers. Read it and you may be able to identify with someone you know that carries the kind of characteristics Peter is talking about.
It's like this, we are all in a sense teachers. Yep, there will always be someone looking at us in a way to find out something more about us. It is then that our actions speak the loudest and our words speak the teachings that people will use to relate to us. If we are professing to be a Christian, but not living a Christian life then we have become a false teacher. As Peter puts it in 2 Peter 2:17, we are doomed to the blackest darkness.
What kind of teacher are you?
God Bless,
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