Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Wow, I'm slackin'

Wow I can't believe I haven't done a post since last Sunday! I am 0 for August! That's terrible! Well I gotta tell ya, I have been busy with Hoops for Christ. It was an awesome day of basketball and God was there. We had the chance to share the wonders of God on more than one occassion. Best of all, all of the teams except one were unchurched individuals. What an outreach tool! The group Kaleo was an inspiration also with testimonies of God's prevenient grace. I have to admit, I don't know if anyone reads these and sorta had that feeling of why bother, but even if no one reads these it is good for my soul. See even when no one would listen to Jesus and even when He was totally exhausted, He still went through with the ultimate sacrifice of giving His life for our sin. He could have said at any time, God I don't want to anymore, take me home. There is a song that says "He could have called, ten thousand angels, but He died alone for you and me. So in my efforts to be Christlike, I will continue to express myself in this fashion, believing that somewhere, someone, will be able to get some good from it.

God loves US!



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