Thursday, July 28, 2005

Prayer Time

Let's cut to the is your prayer life? A daily prayer life is needed for one to combat evil and satan's evil attempts. See even when Jesus was with Peter, James and John in the garden of Gethsemne, He asks them to pray. Even though He was going off to pray by himself, He asked, in his own way, for them to remain at the base and pray. When Jesus returns from His time of prayer, these guys were sleeping. Thats when Jesus gives us this friendly word of advice. Matthew 26:41 says "Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For thought the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak." How many times has your body said I'm too tired tonite? You had all intentions of praying but time got past you and by the time you thought of praying you were too tired. Aren't you glad that God doesn't tell us that He is too tired. Remember Jesus says we need to stay alert and pray...otherwise temptation will overpower us. We need a regular prayer life to keep satan at a distance. We need to stay in communication with God so satan has not even a foothold on our life. You see in a war, we don't go into battle without communicating with our commanding officer. It's the same with our spiritual life. We battle evil and satan everyday, so we need to keep the communication with our God (commanding officer) open. He will help us battle and only with Him will we be victorious!

Pray hard,


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