Thursday, July 14, 2005

Pay's not much, but the retirement is out of this world

WOW! What to write. Tonite we had an awesome youth service. Great time of worship and a great time of fellowship to follow. Lately I have been blessed with speaking opportunities at various youth events around. I found out I may be asked to speak at another youth event, and when Butchie was asked if he thought I would mind he responded appropriately....OF COURSE NOT!! I love to speak about Jesus and the Salvation he has brought to us as a FREE gift. I hope if it is God's will that I will be asked to speak at this youth event. I have met some of these young people and they are an awesome group. My oldest son asked me one time, why I did this church stuff because it doesn't pay as good as being a flight paramedic. I said that it was God's will that I do it and that the pay comes in my spiritual life and where I will spend eternity. He just couldn't grasp it, but Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians 9:23, "I do all this to spread the Good News, and in doing so I enjoy it's blessings." It's kinda like the visa/mastercard commercial......soft drinks for the youth group.....$ for the youth group $30......seeing a young person accept Christ as their personal savior.....PRICELESS!!! Money can't buy the blessings God GIVES! So like the heading says, the pay ain't much but the retirement is out of this world!




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