Saturday, September 24, 2005


Hey sorry I have been absent for so long. Busy with classes and really self-pity. Which reminds me of a story. One time when my family and I was in Virginia, we stayed at this hotel that was located on the outskirts of Richmond. To get to it we took this loop around Richmond kinda like the loop at Indianapolis...ya know 465 so you don't have to go through town so much.... anyway we are trying to go to a family members house from the hotel and I get on and I am sure I am going the right way...I am going towars Richmond and I am good. So I though... my wife begins to inform me that I am going the wrong direction on the loop and that we should have been to our destination by now. Of course I said no I am going the right direction, see the sign says Richmond...well soon the sign said Arlington/Washington DC. My wife finally says LOOK, we are going the wrong way and you better turn it around or we will be in Washington DC soon. Wahington DC is like 2 hours from Richmond. I turned around reluctantly and sure enough I actually was going the wrong way....who would have thought:) See my wife had picked up on the fact that my direction was not quite right even though it wasn't all wrong either. We were 40 minutes to far east of our destination and it all worked out after I finally went along with her plan. Sometimes in our spiritual life we fall into the same situation. We don't want to admit that we are wrong ansd we keep hoping that the situation will right itself to our liking soon. We even give God the credit for being "in contol." Problem is, like myself who didn't want to give in to the fact that my wife was right, we too are sometimes reluctant to accept the control God has of the situation. We know what God really expects but we still hold out hoping that soon God's control will become more favorable to us. This just leads to more grief and turmoil in our own spiritual lives. When we finally accept God's plan and His way of control over a situation, believe it or not He then will give you the strength and guidance to work through the situation as He would have you do. The promise God gives us in 1 Corinthians 10:13 is only good if we are willing to accept the way out He has given us. If we reject it then the anguish we bring on ourselves, for God's word is true and just.
In His Control


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