Well, it's finally here! It's time for our first camp. Jr. High camp is this week and I am sure it will be a great experience. We are taking a couple of new kids so they can get the camp experience and it is so exciting. But I want to leave you with this thought for the week. Have you ever thought about power.? I mean the word power and the way we look at power today. Not the power you use for your house, but POWER. Take that power and relate it to the power of God. People today seem to take power as a sense of boastful accomplishment. Sometimes even in the church one gets a prideful disposition when they receive some kind of POWER or control. POWER like that is really no more than selfish pride. If you look in 2 Peter chapter 1, Peter goes into that pretty well. But lets think of the Power of God. See in His power, He shares with us. Does He not give us some of His power to get us through our trials, our weaknesses. Did he not share His power with Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. Did He not share his power with Joseph to keep Joseph sane while all those bad things were happening to him. And then look at the reward given to each. Each was given POWER, but they too shared in their power. Joseph tried to be unsharing but was checked on it and ended up sharing in his power with his family and a great reunion occured.
Society has blown power up to be this dominating self acclimation of dominance and self worth. Look at some of the most powerful, boastful and arrogant leaders of the world Sadaam Hussein and what he got with his power. The power you receive is a God given power, especially if you are a Christian, and in an effort to be Christlike you are to share in that power to bring others to Christ, not boast on your position of power.
It's like Uncle Ben said on Spider Man; "With great power comes great responsibility." Don't be like Peter Parker and wait for a tragic event to understand. Be humble in all things, as it says in Isaiah 66:2 " I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts......."
See ya after camp,