Camps were awesome
Hey all, I just finished up being at Jr. and Sr. High Camps and let me tell you they were totally awesome! It was so cool to see how Jr. High camp and the theme was exactly on the lines of what our youth group is about to study. It was awesome to see the Sr. High youth "let God off the hook", (you had to be there) and allow Him to rid them of the pain of their past. The one thing that has really stuck with me is the fact that we teach all the time that Salvation is free and it is. But did you ever see how no other religions or groups beliefs come free. There is always a precursor to your way of entering into the fold. Big Chap used the Batman returns movie as an example. Before he could join this elite group of warriors he to first climb some big mountain and find some flower, then he would show his worthiness of being in the "club". KEYWORD!!! CLUB!!! We are not a club! There is no initiation task or fee! As we learned in Jr. High Camp the way of Salvation is a FREE GIFT! (Rom. 6:23) How many people get a gift and never open it? How many people get a gift and they like it's wrapping so much they just can't bring themselves to take it and open it up. Jesus said in Revelation 3:20 that He is waiting to deliver that free gift and ANY one that is willing to accept can have it. FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Doesn't sound like a club to me, and the best part is there are no union dues. Once you get the free gift you can keep it just by living a life significant of the free gift. You don't have to keep doing new crazy tasks like Batman did to stay in the family of God, you become His and He will live in you and tasks are not tasks any longer but privileges and opportunities.