Saturday, June 25, 2005

Rich or Poor?

Sup people,
I just got back from an awesome night of fellowship over at Connorsville First Church of the Nazarene in Indiana. It was awesome to see Dave and Sarah and meet the youth group there. During our worship time we talked about how James 2:2-6, talks to us in a two-fold way. First James is warning us not to get caught up in catering to others just on how they appear. He then goes into the fact that Jesus has chosen us . Yep Jesus has chosen us. This passage speaks of the rich and the poor, but don't limit that to just the rich and the poor based on monetary means. We may be poor in self confidence or self esteem and Jesus promises us that He will make us rich in those things through acceptance and faith in Him. Think about it, if some one is rich in self confidence, don't they sometimes have the tendency to become arrogant? Don't they sometimes have so much confidence and appreciation of themself that they become conceited? Even in this kind of richness, one will be humbled on the day of judgement. For the most part it is difficult for the "rich" to be Christlike. The desire one gets to retain the "riches" seems to come between them and God. Therefore "Listen to me dear Brothers and Sisters, hasn't God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith? Aren't they the ones that will inherit the kingdom God promised to those who love him?(James 2:5) If you love God, you will have all the riches you could ever want. And on the day of judgement the rich that chose riches over God will be poorer than you ever were.

I am praying for Dave's group and if you are a believer you pray for them too. God is doing great things there, and more are sure to come.

God Bless,


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