Saturday, July 09, 2005

What a WEEK!!!

Hey folks,
Just got back from the most awesome week of camp at the Illinois district Sr. High camp!! Have you ever seen or been a part of a teams success like when the Bulls or the Lakers won the NBA championship? If you have you would notice that all the people there were so excited for the success of their team that the electricity in the air made it so they didn't ever want to leave. That feeling of joy and happiness for their new champions was something they never wanted to end. Well.......that's how camp was only the victories were those of souls being sold out to Christ and the dying out of the old way of life and accepting the new way of life........being that of a life with Christ. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! The Holy Spirit was so evident you could almost see Him! I asked my buddy Jim to pinch me as I pinched him to make sure we weren't already in Heaven! Those couple of services were as close to heaven as I have ever been. I have never experienced a camp like this one was. To see so many young people receive closure on old naggin pains of life and rededicate themselves to doing the work that God has planned for them was an awesome event. To see newly saved lives being changed right there by the Holy Spirit was just something I will never forget. See like the fans of an NBA team we were all basking in the Glory. But this was the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and His presence in our camp!! None of us wanted the service to end. But it has and now we must take this awesome moving of the Spirit back to our homes, churches and communities and let others see the difference God has made in our lives. In John 21 Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him. Jesus asks Peter this three times and Peter replies more than anything. Jesus then gives Peter and the rest of us this commandment. In John 21:16, Jesus tells Peter to go and feed His sheep. Those sheep are the lost that need to receive the gift of Salvation. Our families, our friends, our community and all those that need to be fed the message of the Good News. But it doesn't stop there. We MUST take this infilling of the Holy Spirit and this refueling we have received from camp back to our churches as well. It is our duty to spill out these blessings God has so richly given us this week and reignite the flame in our own churches. WE ARE THE REVIVAL!!!! It's our job as Jesus put it, that if we love Him, then we MUST feed His sheep. Take your experience of camp back and be strong in the faith and infect all those around you with this awesome loving spirit of God. Use the support of others that may have been in camp from your church as well to keep the fire burning. If you were the only one from your church hopefully you wrote down some emails. If not I will be your support group. Email me or call me with prayer requests or just to talk and I will do my best to be there for you. I was blessed with a lot of relationship building this week! I really love and care for all of you and I know that it is God's will for me to be a servant.

God Bless and Keep the fire burning! Feed those sheep!!


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