Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Man what a weekend! How's this for busy, July 1 is my brother in laws birthday, July 2 is my oldest son's birthday, July 3 is my wedding anniversary, and July 4 is..............well July 4, complete with parades, cookouts, and fireworks. I love it though, it's one big celebration! But in the celebration we MUST remember the soldiers over in Iraq and around the world that are making these celebrations possible by protecting our freedoms. Oh and speaking of freedoms, lets think about something. As Christians we have the freedom to worship and pray and witness and stand up for our faith. We are protected by the constitution to worship FREELY. Have you ever thought of the freedoms we have and how great it is?! Someday these freedoms will be taken from us. Someday, maybe not in my lifetime and maybe not in yours, but someday we will lose all of these freedoms. The Bible says in the book of Revelation chapter 13:16-18, that we will be made to worship the beast, and unless we receive the mark, we will not be able to buy or sell ANYTHING! If you are not sure of the mark read this passage. You see the only way to be sure you don't have to lose these freedoms is to be sure you are ready to meet Jesus. How??? By making Him your personal Savior, by asking Him to enter your life, by asking Him to forgive you of your sins. See Jesus has a plan for you and God being a patient God keeps putting off this time of turmoil in hopes more people will come to Him. With Christ as your personal Savior, you will be taken the day of the rapture and not left behind to experience these difficult times. You see if you get left behind, your only chance then is to avoid the mark and REALLY stand up for Jesus. I don't know about you but I think it is easier today to stand up for Him. Today I can do it FREELY with no gun pointed to my head. Think about it, and if you would like me to pray for you or with you leave your comments on this post or email me.



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