How do you handle sin
So Israel wants a king right. Way back in the Old Testament in 1Samuel we here about how God anoints Saul as the first king of Israel. See the people of Israel wanted a physical king so they could show off their king to the other nations. I mean after all you couldn't see God. Well Saul does good for awhile then he gets full of himself and builds a monument to honor himself and that's when God starts getting upset. God gives Saul a definitive plan to carry out and Saul doesn't do it. Sure he did most of it but he didn't do it God's way. When Saul was confronted he began to make excuses, and even when he finally almost admitted to his wrong doing he still wanted Samuel to not tell anyone so Saul could still be "the man" to his people. See we get that way in our own lives sometime. Things are going good for us and we begin to call less on God. We tend to pray less, we tend to go to church events less, and the next thing we know we have distanced ourself from God. Then when we are held accountable for our actions we begin to make excuses. See Saul never did give a true from the heart confession to God. Eventually Saul paid for that with his own life. If you are lacking in sincerety with your confession to Christ and making excuses for your actions, you too will pay for your life. Your life with Christ will be cut of and sent into eternal darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth, HELL. Jesus said in Luke 11:23 that anyone who is not with Him, is against Him. If you are not obedient to Christ then you are not working with him as the NLT states. Give God a true heart felt confessing of your sin. Spend your life with Him in paradise and don't be a Saul and let your own greed send you to hell. If you want to read the story of Saul it's in 1 Samuel chapter 15.
How do you handle sin??
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