Monday, June 27, 2005

Disruptive Influence

So there is this guy in Sunday School that openly admits that he doesn't listen in Sunday School. Not really a surprise as he is sure not to be the only one that doesn't listen. But then this guy starts influencing others not to participate. Then this guy goes as far as to laugh at those asked to help out in participation. For a second there, one individual hesitates to open his Bible and begin taking part in the class. After second thinking the situation he reluctantly opens his Bible and reads the verse asked of him to read. Others in the group are now fearing this ridicule from a single individual, as they have seen him openly and boldly make statements and ridicule others in a way that is intimidating. It's sad to see one individual make such an impact on a room of professing believers. An impact so strong that makes them withdraw as younger teenagers sometimes do when intimidated.

Isn't it sad that even in a place where the sinner is a minority and the believers are the majority, that one individual can cause such a disturbance? Remember though, this individual is not acting alone. There is another person that is urging him on. This person is giving him the ideas to carry out such disruptive things. Do you know who it is yet? No, it's not his parents or any of his friends, it's Satan himself. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 that a good person produces good words from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil words from an evil heart. Therefore this disruptive person is (1) testifying to his evil heart, and (2) because new believers see this they may tend to withdraw as to keep away from these evil ways. Jesus goes on to define what to expect from one that has an evil heart in Matthew 15:19. "For from the (evil) heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. Slander is speaking hurtful things to or about another. So you see as young people it is easy to see why they might pull back from such an individual even though they are as a group, a majority of believers. BUT!!! Take note, Jesus will bless you, even in this time of mockery from one individual. Jesus promises you this in Luke 6:22. Jesus says, "God blesses you who are hated and excluded and mocked and cursed because you are identified with me, the Son of Man." PRAISE THE LORD!!

So don't let an individual like this make you feel like less of a Christian because you might not have stood up to him. God will deal with him and He will BLESS you. Sounds like a great deal to me. And remember a person like this is not alone in his endevours. Pray for him and his soul, that Jesus might be able to get through to him. In being like Christ, we can dislike the sin that this person is in, but we must still love the person. Remember, Jesus also said to love your enemies and do good to them. So even if this guy isn't your enemy but is a bad example, we must still show him love. Paul warns us however in Galations 6, to be careful not to fall into the same way of life.

So don't let a guy like this get you down, and don't let him lead you astray by his influence. Pray that Jesus will help you deal with him and that Jesus will help him change his ways.



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