Friday, October 14, 2005

Throw the first rock........if you can!

So, you ever been victim of someones persecution and the persecutor had issues of their own they should be more concerned with? More times than not when we get disgruntle about something someone does we begin to miss all of the good things they do and dwell on the thing we don't like. Sometimes this becomes such a problem, that we tend to lash out against that person. For instance your friend, of whom you have been friends with for a long time, keeps turning you down when you invite them to go to the mall with them. This same friend is the one that has always done things with you and for you for the past several years. Well after being turned down for the seventh time, you lash out to one of your other friends, displaying your unhappiness at being turned down again for a trip to the mall. You even go as far as to say that this friend that turned you down must not like you anymore because she won't go to the mall anymore. You continue to lash out with all kinds of speculation on what your friends problem is and end it with, well if she won't go to the mall with me then I won't be her friend. The whole time you are lashing out you are forgetting about the time your friend gave you her last $5 so you could get one of those cool school planners so you could be like everyone else. You also fail to recognize that when your friend gave you her last $5, it really was her last $5, because she has to work to help support her family at home. You also, in your time of lashing out, fail to see that you haven't been much of a friend to your friend because you have been so into your own thing that you have failed to see beyond yourself and the true hardtimes your friend is experiencing. You see in actuality, your friend hasn't been going to the mall with you because she knows she doesn't have the funds for it and she really feels that she won't be missed since she is from the poorer side of the tracks.

See sometimes we get so caught up in pointing out other peoples so called flaws that we overlook the flaws of our own. Jesus warns us against such behavior. In Matthew 7:4, Jesus says "How can you think of saying, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye?" See we need to be careful in passing judgment on others, because chances are there are things in our own lives we need to address. We become like the Pharisees when we carry that "Holier than thow attitude". In John chapter 8 the Pharisees test Jesus with His knowledge of the Jewish law as well as try to get him to have a known adultress put to death by stoning. Jesus, being the Son of God obviously knew their hearts and their intentions, as well as the Jewish law. See it was custom to stone the lady and HER PARTNER for adultry. The Pharisees didn't bring the partner befor Jesus, they just brought the lady. So Jesus being so totally awesome says, yeah, she is guilty, but how 'bout the one of you who has never done anything wrong, you be the first one to throw the rocks at her. WAY COOL MAN!!!! Of course no one threw the rocks, and that brings me to my point. Before we go crucifying our friends for things we have no idea of their reasoning, we need to be totally without wrongness or blame ourselves. Ya see it's wrong to talk smack about your friends, so with that in mind and in line with the scriptures of John 8, you wouldn't be able to speak because you know it would be wrong to do so.

So the question is.......can you throw the first rock? Or should you just try to understand the situation and not be judgmental?

This really is a WWJD!!!!

God Bless,



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