Saved One!!!
Tonight I will kinda keep it light. Today I worked on the ambulance and we had a call for a full arrest. That's basically for someone that has just died of a heart attack. So we arrive and I put the shocker thingy on the person and shocked the person a couple of times. My partner real quick like got an IV going and we gave the person cardiac drugs and by the time we left the house for the hospital the person was breathing! It only took us 2 minutes, count em 2 minutes, to get the first shock in. The family was so happy and this person will most likely recover and go home. It was really a good feeling to know we actually pulled one from the clutches of death. My thought process was thank you Jesus for helping me perform at the top of my game so as to help this person. Then I wondered where this person stood spiritually. Obviously God isn't done with the person yet. I hope the person realizes it! Then I thought of the life that was saved during Rocktoberfest. Yep someone asked Jesus to save them for their eternal life with Him. That too was so awesome and it was really cool, but I wonder if his family was as excited for him as the family was today for the person I worked on. My son says "Dad you should get paid big bucks since you can do that." He says it's like Jesus. I said that Jesus saves us for an eternal life with Him, and when I save someone it's only in the physical, and all the abilities I have are gifts from God. I thank God for what He has given me and for the lives that are touched and saved as I am the tool. If you know someone that has been saved, however it may be, let them know how glad you are that they are or were saved.
God Bless,
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