Friday, November 11, 2011

The Example of our Veterans

Luke 17:33(NLT)
If you cling to your life, you will lose it, and if you let your life go, you will save it.

On this very special Veteran's Day of 11-11-11, have you ever realized how much this scripture describes our military veterans? It is as if each member of our armed forces has made a concious decision to let go of the life they know, in order to save life, preserve life, keep life, as you and I, and they know it. They enter into a realm of such uncertainty, which could bring about their own loss of natural life. However each one of our veterans has chosen to honor that risk in order to "save" life as we know. Each veteran again chooses to leave the safety and sanctity of a life they know to enter into this realm of uncertainty with a passion to preserve "life". It really leaves me awestruck when I think of it this way. It makes me especially thankful to our veterans for the sacrifice they make in letting go of the "life" they knew to preserve the "life" we all know as freedom, despite the fact many -- in fact the majority -- have never met me. What a bold and huge step of faith these veterans take.

Similarly, Jesus was speaking to each of us. So many of us wouldn't for a second think of leaving the life we know; especially for something we can't see or aren't sure of. Yet our veterans do it for us daily and have done it for us all across history. Maybe Jesus is just looking for some more veterans; those who understand the scripture above. Maybe Jesus is trying to tell us the freedom He offers is worth fighting for. Maybe in honor of our veterans of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, those that fight for the freedom of "in God we trust", maybe it's time we consider our role in the scripture of luke 17:33. We may not be able to join the ranks of the US military, but there is always room in the Lord's Army. I am thinking we have no better examples of what it's like to give up this life to have life than those that do it for us everyday.

Thank you to all of our Veterans! Your willingness to give of yourself for me and my family mean more than words can say. Thank you for your example.


Pastor Wayne

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Who Do You Say That I Am

I remember a time at Illinois District teen camp, when we were as close to heaven as one could be without being there. The atmosphere was amazing, and the Holy Spirit was moving, lives were being changed, and it was a night many will never forget. Then I remember the meeting we as counselors had. How do we help our youth when they leave this safe zone and return to the real world full of their real world issues? It's easier when we are primarily surrounded by God's people, but soon we would all have to leave camp and return to everyday routines.

Similarly in our church we have been ultimately blessed by the moving of the Holy Spirit. We have been blessed with miracles, healings, and the witness of Jesus in the lives and the life changing of many; but then the real world returns. For me it was too soon and as I sat in my office reading the Word, I ran across a verse where Jesus changed me once again.

Jesus has just healed many, fed the five thousand, and is now hearing the beleaguering chit-chat of many wondering just who He really is. Jesus asks His disciples,(in a lead in situation), who people say He is. They give Him several answers and then in Luke 9:20, Jesus looks at Peter and asks, "who do you say that I am?"

In my time of revelling from my real life issues, it was as if Jesus was looking at me and asking me -- Wayne -- who do you say that I am? I realized at that moment how easy it is when surrounded by God's glory to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah, but at this point it was as if Jesus was asking me if I still gave Him that glory. It was very similar to one of the many times Jesus would ask those He helped, "where is your faith?" I felt Jesus reminding me that the Messiah and Savior of my life I had been basking in the glory of these past few weeks, is and still will be the same Messiah and Savior of my life in those times of real life issues if I only continue to proclaim it. What mighty power did I feel in those words now! "Who do you -- Wayne -- say that I am?"
"You are the Christ of God, the Messiah, my Lord and Savior -- and with you I can do all things", is my reply.

So in your real world days filled with issues if Jesus were to ask you,"who do you say that I am?" How would you respond? Remember Hebrews 13:8 says: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So who do you say that He is?


Pastor Wayne