Things Are Not Always What They Seem
Over the years, I have seen the result when someone believes they know truth about a situation and the result leads them into complete disconnect from another person because of what seemed to them was a forgone conclusion. The sad reality of the situation was the person never sought out the truth from the source they disconnected from. They simply took the misguided information as truth and through speculation saw things that were happening as if they were within reason, when in fact the things that were happening were not what they seemed in light of what was said from only one side. In fact, if this person would have taken the time to seek out the truth from the person they had disconnected from, then things would have made more sense. Things that seemed logical in the misguided light, would have been seen as clearly illogical and senseless. Thus, we get the phrase things are not always what they seem.
In the Passion of the Christ as
Jesus is hanging on the cross, it would seem as if Jesus is helpless and at a
point where all is lost. The mockers in the crowd even mock Jesus with utterances
such as, “He saved others, but He can’t even save Himself”. It seems Jesus is at the brink of defeat.
Herein lies the phrase at its fullest – things are not always as they seem. You
see, Jesus clearly knows that not only is He about to save Himself and conquer
the grave, but He is about to continue to provide a way to save others. The way
to get there is accomplished in this overwhelming love He has for us and in
that love – love is sacrifice. Sometimes love is sacrifice.
In the story above what the
person committing the disconnect doesn’t realize is the sacrifice made for them
to have as normal of a life as they could have in a situation that they didn’t
create. In that situation, the one who was disconnected from had to sacrifice
their rights, their relationships, and even their time to be connected in order
to allow for the disconnected person to have a life free of turmoil as a
relational pawn in a system that negates love with legality. This would mean
the one giving up their rights would have to keep a low profile, all the while
knowing their love for the other was still as deep as ever.
Despite sharing that love with
the other person over the years, the misguided information led to a disconnect
and today the one who sacrificed is still being shunned. The only real way to reconnect
and restore the relationship is to go to the source and seek out the truth. The
same is true with Jesus. Many of us have had misguided information and
happenings in our life and so we disconnect from the one who loves us
unconditionally. The only real way to unite with Him is to go to the source,
and He will welcome us with open arms. Just like the person in the story, Jesus
loves you and has sacrificed all for you. Perhaps it is time to seek the truth
and stop holding out on what may simply be misguided information because –
things are not always what they seem.