Friday, July 01, 2005

Good things come to those that wait......

Sup people,
Hoops for Christ is coming along, but tonight my baseball team looked adversity in the face and came through with flying colors. As you know baseball takes 9 guys to make a team. You can play a game with 8, but it is difficult. We only had 8. We made some serious defensive moves and observations, moved people around a lot and actually hit the ball and we won. These guys have waited so long to win that winning with 8 makes it that much better. Then they won the second one too, after being down six to nothing. Lots of kids waited a long time to get playing time and when they got it they did good. Sure they got discouraged at times but they stayed with it keeping the faith that they would get some good playing time soon. Sometimes in our spiritual life we may seem to run across a similar situation. Have you ever prayed for something for a long time and it just seemed like God wasn't hearing you. Then one day when you least expect it your prayer is answered. Or did you lose faith and give up praying for whatever it was you were praying for. Sometimes people do give up but God answers prayer. Sometimes not in the time frame we think we need, but if it is a reasonable prayer request God will come through in His time. Isaiah 40:31 says "..those who wait on the Lord find new strength. They will f ly high on wings like eagles......" Just as Jesus tells the parable of the corrupt judge in Luke 18, He tells His disciples through this story the need to continue to pray even if it seems God isn't hearing. God hears us all the time, and if it's his will he will answer prayer in His time. Read Luke 18 and be assured..............He's listening.



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