Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Krys and Zelda

So my most fave little boy, my son Krys, he is a "Zelda Ocarina of Time" freak. We play it together almost daily. So yesterday Krys says, "dad, can we get a shield like Zelda from God?" I said sure we can and so then he asks me if God will give us a sword too. I told him yes God will give us that too. In his amazement we then pulled out his kids quest Bible and proceeded to look up Ephesians 6:10-18. I proceeded to read it to him and when we got to the shield that fights off the fiery arrows, well lets just say that he connected that to Zelda as well. I was thinking how awesome it was that my little 5 year old could connect to God through this old nintendo64 game. I was also reminded of how true this passage really is. If we dress ourselves in the full armor of God everyday before we even get out of bed, we equip ouselves for the battle against the forces of evil. Yea and I bet right this very moment those fiery arrows are coming at you telling you that this is just religious finaticism, but I assure you, it's real. Try it for a week. Before you get out of bed, pray to the Lord and ask him to dress you for the day spiritually. You will have days that even if they are difficult are made more tolerable because you started your day by putting on the full armor of God. My little Krys thinks that is so cool and thanks God openly for his shield and sword.

So how bout it? You wanta get dressed spiritually?

God bless,



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