Sunday, December 11, 2005

Accept each other

So ya ever had a freind but they weren't really a good friend but they could be considered a friend still? Ya know, to each others faces you talk and are cordial to each other, but away from each other you always seem to find things to complain about in each other. Then while all this is going on you wonder why this friendship is so rocky. This is a very real issue in the church of today. In a gathering of believers this issue becomes division in our church. From issues as simple as how one dresses to methods of worship, believers let these different styles become division in the church. This kind of thinking can't be a very effective way to honor the second greatest commandment of all. When you love your neighbor as yourself, then wouldn't you make allowances for them just as you would yourself. I mean you know this past week you were pretty busy and at times you were just too tired to have devotions, but yet you remain a believer. If we can make allowances for ourself then in an effort to uphold God's second greatest commandment we would need to be the same to our neighbor. So if you're wondering why that relationship is so rocky, or if you are wondering why your relationship with Jesus is seemingly stagnating check out Romans 15:7. It reads, "Accept each other just as Christ has accepted you, and THEN God will be glorified. Key word here is THEN....once we become and accepting people of others then maybe things will become less rocky.

God Bless us everyone,


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