Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Krys and Zelda

So my most fave little boy, my son Krys, he is a "Zelda Ocarina of Time" freak. We play it together almost daily. So yesterday Krys says, "dad, can we get a shield like Zelda from God?" I said sure we can and so then he asks me if God will give us a sword too. I told him yes God will give us that too. In his amazement we then pulled out his kids quest Bible and proceeded to look up Ephesians 6:10-18. I proceeded to read it to him and when we got to the shield that fights off the fiery arrows, well lets just say that he connected that to Zelda as well. I was thinking how awesome it was that my little 5 year old could connect to God through this old nintendo64 game. I was also reminded of how true this passage really is. If we dress ourselves in the full armor of God everyday before we even get out of bed, we equip ouselves for the battle against the forces of evil. Yea and I bet right this very moment those fiery arrows are coming at you telling you that this is just religious finaticism, but I assure you, it's real. Try it for a week. Before you get out of bed, pray to the Lord and ask him to dress you for the day spiritually. You will have days that even if they are difficult are made more tolerable because you started your day by putting on the full armor of God. My little Krys thinks that is so cool and thanks God openly for his shield and sword.

So how bout it? You wanta get dressed spiritually?

God bless,


Monday, November 14, 2005


So let's look at the story of Judas as told in the Gospels of the New Testament. As we know Judas was the guy that agreed with the Roman leaders to betray Jesus. Judas was the acting treasure for the disciples and was known to be a man of greed. So much that he wasn't totally trusted with the funds, as there were suspicions that he may have been dipping into the till, so to speak. We also know he betrayed Christ for a mere 30 pieces of silver, which at the time was the same price paid for a slave that had been gouged by a bull. So not only did Judas betray the Savior, but he belittled the Messiah and His worth by betraying Him for the price of a slave. But not the price of a good slave, but that of a defective slave. As we know Jesus was not defective in any way shape or form. Jesus was the only perfect person ever. BUT....Jesus was not the only one betrayed. Wouldn't you say Judas also betrayed his friends, the other disciples, and family and followers of Jesus? Judas had built relationships with these people as being one of Jesus disciples or more correctly stated one of the apostles. That great responsibility to believers then, was that an apostle was true to the Messiah from the heart.

So tell me this, have you ever been victim of an indirect betrayal? Like, say a friend that you had always held high respect for does something to someone else that just blows you away. You can't believe that this friend would do something like that and now your trust in this person has been tainted, even though what was done wasn't done directly to you. See sometimes when we are deceptive to others in an effort to satisfy our own desires, that deception could be as devestating as betrayal. For instance, you tell your parents that you are going to Johny's house and actually you are sneaking out to see your girlfriend. You think It's all good, because your parents really don't know who Johny is and you have your own cell phone so you can cover it. Uh-oh......for some reason Johny calls your house looking for you......the very same time that you are already suppose to be at Johny's! See you didn't tell Johny about it because you knew his Christian spirit wouldn't really approve. Do you see where this is going? Not only have you betrayed your parents and potentially ruined the trust they had in you, but you have just betrayed your friend in placing him in a position that makes his integrity questionable as well. Then comes that of your girlfriend and her family. If she didn't know, then you betrayed her in making her think that it was ok that you were with her, and if she did know then you inadvertantly betrayed her and her parents as you pulled her into this realm of deception. We haven't even started with what these actions do to the Messiah and all He has done for you. So you see, unless we really want to be like Judas, we really need to think through our actions and the effects they may have on others. We really need to make sure we think of everyone too! This very act of deception at it's early stages, is the same deception that fuels the betrayal in marital relationships when adultry comes into play. And similarly the people involved don't think of all that are going to be affected by their actions. As we know, Judas couldn't live with his betrayal and took his own life. Sadly to say some people today take the same action, but we have someone that loves us anyway, and forgives us anyway, and wants us to know that if we truly are sorry He will continue to make a way for us to spend eternity with Jesus the Messiah, our salvation and the living proof that one can overcome betrayal.

Keep it real, and keep it honest


Friday, November 04, 2005

Saved One!!!

Tonight I will kinda keep it light. Today I worked on the ambulance and we had a call for a full arrest. That's basically for someone that has just died of a heart attack. So we arrive and I put the shocker thingy on the person and shocked the person a couple of times. My partner real quick like got an IV going and we gave the person cardiac drugs and by the time we left the house for the hospital the person was breathing! It only took us 2 minutes, count em 2 minutes, to get the first shock in. The family was so happy and this person will most likely recover and go home. It was really a good feeling to know we actually pulled one from the clutches of death. My thought process was thank you Jesus for helping me perform at the top of my game so as to help this person. Then I wondered where this person stood spiritually. Obviously God isn't done with the person yet. I hope the person realizes it! Then I thought of the life that was saved during Rocktoberfest. Yep someone asked Jesus to save them for their eternal life with Him. That too was so awesome and it was really cool, but I wonder if his family was as excited for him as the family was today for the person I worked on. My son says "Dad you should get paid big bucks since you can do that." He says it's like Jesus. I said that Jesus saves us for an eternal life with Him, and when I save someone it's only in the physical, and all the abilities I have are gifts from God. I thank God for what He has given me and for the lives that are touched and saved as I am the tool. If you know someone that has been saved, however it may be, let them know how glad you are that they are or were saved.
God Bless,