Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Power of God

Hey folks, how's it going?
What a couple of busy days! I have been working on this promotional event my church host's called Hoops for Christ. It's a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Originally it was scheduled for the first weekend in June. However due to some major cutbacks by our biggest sponsors and what seemed to be a huge lack of interest by our youth group, I too lacked the drive to put it together. God wouldn't let me lay it down though. We post-poned the tournament until August 6 and I spent a week at camp, finished school and got some spiritual replenishment. God put a finger in my back and said get going, so I slowly started getting things in order. The sponsors are committing and funds are becoming available to make this years tournament just as good if not better than last year. See God reminded me that last year I pretty much flew it alone on this venture, so people were probably just trying to give me room to fly with it again. I am really fired up now as God has laid it on one of our sponsors hearts to give more this year. Thank you Jesus for your power. The printing is done now and the postage is ready along with the mailing labels. Things are set to promote this event in a big way once again. See in 1 Peter 5:6 Peter tells us this, "So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and in His good time He will honor you." God humbles me on occassion, as He did with this. If we don't worry about how much we have to do and how much others aren't doing, but instead focus on what God wants, he promises to honor that. I want nothing more than to honor God! Through this event I am again seeing the power of God and the way He provides for us. Especially when we follow HIS will!

If you want information on this tournament visit www.urbanaz.org and click NYI



Monday, June 27, 2005

Disruptive Influence

So there is this guy in Sunday School that openly admits that he doesn't listen in Sunday School. Not really a surprise as he is sure not to be the only one that doesn't listen. But then this guy starts influencing others not to participate. Then this guy goes as far as to laugh at those asked to help out in participation. For a second there, one individual hesitates to open his Bible and begin taking part in the class. After second thinking the situation he reluctantly opens his Bible and reads the verse asked of him to read. Others in the group are now fearing this ridicule from a single individual, as they have seen him openly and boldly make statements and ridicule others in a way that is intimidating. It's sad to see one individual make such an impact on a room of professing believers. An impact so strong that makes them withdraw as younger teenagers sometimes do when intimidated.

Isn't it sad that even in a place where the sinner is a minority and the believers are the majority, that one individual can cause such a disturbance? Remember though, this individual is not acting alone. There is another person that is urging him on. This person is giving him the ideas to carry out such disruptive things. Do you know who it is yet? No, it's not his parents or any of his friends, it's Satan himself. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34 that a good person produces good words from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil words from an evil heart. Therefore this disruptive person is (1) testifying to his evil heart, and (2) because new believers see this they may tend to withdraw as to keep away from these evil ways. Jesus goes on to define what to expect from one that has an evil heart in Matthew 15:19. "For from the (evil) heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. Slander is speaking hurtful things to or about another. So you see as young people it is easy to see why they might pull back from such an individual even though they are as a group, a majority of believers. BUT!!! Take note, Jesus will bless you, even in this time of mockery from one individual. Jesus promises you this in Luke 6:22. Jesus says, "God blesses you who are hated and excluded and mocked and cursed because you are identified with me, the Son of Man." PRAISE THE LORD!!

So don't let an individual like this make you feel like less of a Christian because you might not have stood up to him. God will deal with him and He will BLESS you. Sounds like a great deal to me. And remember a person like this is not alone in his endevours. Pray for him and his soul, that Jesus might be able to get through to him. In being like Christ, we can dislike the sin that this person is in, but we must still love the person. Remember, Jesus also said to love your enemies and do good to them. So even if this guy isn't your enemy but is a bad example, we must still show him love. Paul warns us however in Galations 6, to be careful not to fall into the same way of life.

So don't let a guy like this get you down, and don't let him lead you astray by his influence. Pray that Jesus will help you deal with him and that Jesus will help him change his ways.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Rich or Poor?

Sup people,
I just got back from an awesome night of fellowship over at Connorsville First Church of the Nazarene in Indiana. It was awesome to see Dave and Sarah and meet the youth group there. During our worship time we talked about how James 2:2-6, talks to us in a two-fold way. First James is warning us not to get caught up in catering to others just on how they appear. He then goes into the fact that Jesus has chosen us . Yep Jesus has chosen us. This passage speaks of the rich and the poor, but don't limit that to just the rich and the poor based on monetary means. We may be poor in self confidence or self esteem and Jesus promises us that He will make us rich in those things through acceptance and faith in Him. Think about it, if some one is rich in self confidence, don't they sometimes have the tendency to become arrogant? Don't they sometimes have so much confidence and appreciation of themself that they become conceited? Even in this kind of richness, one will be humbled on the day of judgement. For the most part it is difficult for the "rich" to be Christlike. The desire one gets to retain the "riches" seems to come between them and God. Therefore "Listen to me dear Brothers and Sisters, hasn't God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith? Aren't they the ones that will inherit the kingdom God promised to those who love him?(James 2:5) If you love God, you will have all the riches you could ever want. And on the day of judgement the rich that chose riches over God will be poorer than you ever were.

I am praying for Dave's group and if you are a believer you pray for them too. God is doing great things there, and more are sure to come.

God Bless,

Friday, June 24, 2005

False Teachers

So did you ever wonder why or even how so many people are so confused on what being a Christian is all about. For the most part it would probably have a direct correlation to the example set by other professing Christians. I mean have you ever seen the show Dog the Bounty Hunter? I was watching it one night because I heard the show's narrator state that Dog is a "born again Christian". Shortly after that statement I heard Dog swear and use God's name in vain. He then lit a cigarrette and eventually was quenching his thirst with a "cool grape nehi belly whopper", better known as an alchoholic beverage. So in an effort to not be judgemental, I am just sitting there thinking, thinking he must be a new convert and has some things that he may need God's help with. (besides having a dangerous job) But it is this very thing that tends to confuse people on Christianity. We know that we can't use God's name in vain, and we know that the Bible says in Galations 5 that drunkeness is a part of the sinful nature of man. And we also know that the Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 that our body's are not our own, that they belong to the Holy Spirit, so we are not to do anything to harm them. Now granted a new believer may not be aware of the writings on our body and what to put in it, but I still default to the use of my God's name in vain. This to me would be super confusing to someone who was seeking Christ with a wholesome heart. This is also probably why people get so bent when they find out about your own Christianity. As a youth leader I have heard several times, the statement that people quit coming to church because of the way people profess one thing but away from church live another way. 2 Peter chapter 2 is a great book in it's writings about false teachers. Read it and you may be able to identify with someone you know that carries the kind of characteristics Peter is talking about.

It's like this, we are all in a sense teachers. Yep, there will always be someone looking at us in a way to find out something more about us. It is then that our actions speak the loudest and our words speak the teachings that people will use to relate to us. If we are professing to be a Christian, but not living a Christian life then we have become a false teacher. As Peter puts it in 2 Peter 2:17, we are doomed to the blackest darkness.

What kind of teacher are you?

God Bless,


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Keepin' it Real

So like I was watching Scooby Doo the movie one day and this thought came to me. You know when Scooby is getting on the plane and is dressed up like an old lady? Well remember the part where he says "keepin' it real"? That made me think. In our spiritual lives we need to keep it real. Jesus is clear on those that are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm as He states He will spew you out of His mouth. We can't be a faker and make heaven. Galations 5:19-26 tells us how one that is faking it might act. It is complete with angry outbursts, envy and more. If we are proclaiming to be a Christian, then we need to be aware of what it takes to be real. Abstaining from the behaviors mentioned in this passage as being of sinful nature will help us to keep it real. When we are truly "keepin' it real", we bear the fruits of the spirit, which include love, kindness, gentleness, joy, peace, and the kicker is SELF CONTROL. Ya see without self control we are easily victim to the behaviors mentioned as sinful nature.

So............. Are you keepin' it real? Do you have the fruit of the spirit of self control, or do you waiver back and forth depending on what day it is and who you are with. Paul also mentions in this passage that if you aren't keepin' it real you won't see heaven. If you need help keepin' it real call upon the Master and He will give you guidance. If you would like me to pray for you in my time of devotions, just leave a comment on this post or email me.

God Bless,

Jesus said .....so don't worry

So how's everyone? Today as I was wondering how I was going to afford some much needed computer equipment and software, Jesus stepped in again. See back in the winter months I taught a class for a local fire department in EMS. I had done so before and they had always paid me a little something for my time. As I was looking at Sam's for some needed equipment, the fire chief of that department just happened to be there too. He told me he needed me to teach again and then asked if he ever paid me for the last class. I was kinda surprised and said uh.....no, and left it at that. He apologized and said he would be sending me a check for that class.

Once again God has been so good. In Matthew chapter 6:25 Jesus tells us "So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life-". He tells us in that passage how much more important we are to Him, than the plants and the birds. God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Put your trust in Him and He will show you how silly it is to worry. I would also suggest reading this passage entirely. It is found in Matthew 6:25-34, and it really is comfort for the soul.

So give it a read, and believe and trust in the one true Savior, Jesus Christ.

Peace, and don't worry

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What Would Jesus Do?

Sup folks?
Today was my baseball teams game day and we had a double header. We played the best team in the league which is hard on a team that only has one win so far. We played them really well, and then a parent comes up to me and starts giving me grief about his son's playing time. Little did he know that all the kids, including his son were going to play. Well the man referred to me with one word as to being the south end of a donkey heading north, if you know what I mean. Normally I probably would have got extremely agitated with this and lashed back. I kept my cool and offered to let him see his son's stats and offered to have him come sit in on the practices that he never sees. The man then walked away and the situation was over. I gave the boy a big hug and apologized for him having to even be in that situation.

I know Jesus was with me. He checked my tongue and my reactions to keep me from seeming non Christian. All through the Gospels, Jesus is attacked verbally by the very one's that God had chosen to receive the Messiah. Even in his time of death, Jesus was still asking God to forgive the people, because they didn't know what they were doing. This is the overwhelming act of love for someone. Showing them love even when they don't deserve it. This kids dad sure didn't deserve it but Jesus helped me in the situation. Jesus helped me go to the boy and give him some of the love he so longs for.

I thank God for that and I thank Him for helping me respond appropriate. I still have some work to do, but I am getting better at doing what Jesus would have me to do, even in difficult situations.

God Bless,

Monday, June 20, 2005

From Saul to Paul

As illustrated in the book of Acts in chapters 8 and 9, a once Jewish leader and major persecutor and tormentor of those that believed in Jesus, was given new direction for his life when he met Jesus. That's right Jesus! You see Jesus had a plan for Saul, and even though Saul was such an angry and hateful person Jesus literally took him down a notch. On the road to Damascus, Jesus had words with Saul and basically told him he had to go to Damascus, now as a blind man to find out what it was Jesus had planned for him. Jesus then sent Ananias to Saul and told him that he was to lay hands on him and give him the gift of the Holy Spirit. You see, Paul a great Jewish leader was now going to spread the Good News to the Gentiles. Yep, the Gentiles, the ones the Jews felt were unworthy of God because as far as the Jews were concerned the Jews were the chosen ones. Now Saul who later changes his name to Paul, is spreading the very news that he so violently persecuted.....before he met Jesus, and will experience the very persecution he once inflicted.

You can meet Jesus. Have you been like Saul and given other Christians a hard time. Jesus has a plan for your life too! Hopefully he won't have to knock you down to get your attention. He loves you and chooses you to be a member of his family. 1 Thessalonians 1:4 says: "We know that God loves you dear brothers and sisters, and that he chose you to be His own people." This is the very words of Paul in a letter to the church of Thessolonica. This holds true still today, God has chosen you to be His own people! Question is will you choose Him? He gives you choice so it is up to you!

For more on accepting Christ email me! I would love to pray with you or answer questions you might have. But remember, the choice is yours.

God Bless,

Saturday, June 18, 2005

IL Dist camp

Hey fellow brothers and sisters. Wasn't camp just totally awesome. God was so real there and the tribulation game was so cool. I know I don't want to be left when Jesus comes back. Keep it real folks. Jesus warns us that those who know the truth but choose to ignore it will be held to a higher standard on judgement day. James 4:17 says "It is a sin to know what to do and not do it." So don't ignore God. If he is talking to you seek out a youth pastor or your church pastor or a close friend that is a Christian and let Jesus change your life today.

Can't wait for Sr. High Camp.. See you there, and beware the anti-christ.
